Wallpapers at Rebel Walls
The Swedish High Quality Wall Mural Manufactor Rebel Walls added 2 special new Wallpapers from my work. Get the natural light with a trompe l’oeil…
Design Gipfel 2018
Design Gipfel 2018 MÜNSTER 03. und 04. November 2018 – Mensa am Ring Besucht mich auf dem Design Gipfel Samstag und Sonntag 12-18 Uhr…
More selected high quality Prints available
Because of high requests the Kollektion Wiedemann extended their product range with more of my Photographys. Take a tour trough the Collection here. Motive from Title…
Wallpapers at Rebel Walls
Now you can get some of my Pictures from the Swedish Manufactor Rebel Walls as high quality Wallpaper. …