Trying to describe something musical is like dancing to architecture, it's really difficult. Ein aufgegebenes Sanatorium in Georgien Buy High Quality Print
Der verlassene Palast des Prinzen Smetsky in Abchasien. Laut eine Sage, wurde dieser für seine an Tuberkulose erkrankte Frau erbaut. Mit seinen 365 Zimmern konnte Sie so jeden Tag ein frisches Zimmer mit ausreichend Sonne und Sauerstoff beziehen. Buy High Quality Print
Found this beautiful but burned staircase in a political Building that reflects the beginning of a War somewhere between Europe and Asia. it was very impressive to stand here when you know that the first bombs where dropped into that building. The dramatic scene was so intensive, hope you like this shot as much as I do.
What an amazing old Train Station. Want to see the other side? I took this picture somewhere between Europe and Asia.